Monday, 21 November 2011


You are given yams at Oyo and you rejoice; have you secured wood to cook them?
(Never assume that a propitious beginning assures a successful conclusion.)
One does not fight to save another person's head only to have a kite carry one's own away.
(One should not save other's at the cost of one's own safety.)
The needle makes an almost inaudible sound when it drops into the water Odofinfin said he heard a loud splash.
(Excessive exaggeration amounts to lying.)
           The ear that will insist on hearing everything will go deaf.
(There is some benefit to ignoring certain things.)
Inability to speak out precedes misfortunes.
(A person who will not speak out on his or her own behalf suffers the consequences.)
One treats an illness; one does not treat death.
(If one neglects an illness until death intervenes, the treatment comes too late.)

A dog does not boast " No danger "in a leopard's bush.
(Never sneer at obvious danger.)
A dog destined to be lost does not hear the hunter's whistle.
(No matter what help one may render, one cannot save an ill-fated person.)

A dog that sees a motor vehicle and stands in its way makes itself a sacrifice to Ogun.
(A person who needlessly endangers him/herself deserves his/her fate.)
People who live impatiently: their going to heaven is not far off.
(Reckless living leads to early death.)

Tolu Falode.

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